2024 RATES
Note: There will be charges for Food, Beverage, and any incidentals such as applicable Cart fees, guest fees, etc.
All statements are sent on the first of every month and are due immediately after the first of the month.
Monthly Dues:
Note: Rates are subject to change. Please call for today’s rate.
Resident: $335 - Full Golf Member: No Greens Fees, No Court Fees –Full Golf & Tennis, Pool, Dock, F&B, etc.
Intermediate: $240 - Now under age 50; Revert to Resident Fee at age 50
Non-Resident: $230 - 180 days or less – per year (primary Residence is outside a 50-mile radius from the club)
Social: $115 - No Golf or Tennis privileges
Restaurant Minimum: $20 per month
Golf Rates:
Per person rates
Miscellaneous Rates:
Handicap Services: $25/year
Cart Plan: $900/year (single); $1400 per year (family)
Private Cart Fee: $12 (9 holes); $17 (18 holes)
Pull Carts: $7.00 (9 holes); $13 (18 holes)
Kayak Storage: $60/year
Court Fees: Members - no charge; Guests - $12/2 hr. maximum