The Stan Smith Wooden Racquet Event

Please join us on Saturday April 5th for our second annual Stan Smith Wooden Racquet Event! This is an opportunity you, your family and friends wouldn’t want to miss. You have the opportunity to watch some of the former top players in the world go head to head in match play during the morning hours, meet Stan Smith himself and have your photo taken with him, as well as have items autographed if you wish, and challenge the players on the court. You also have the opportunity to participate in our wooden racquet challenge. Racquets for this portion of the event will be provided but if you have your own, we encourage you to bring it. Below, you will see a timeline of events happening on this day.

Event Timeline

9:00-11:00 Pros go head to head in matchplay

11:00-12:30 Meet and Greet with pros, autographs, photos, lunch

12:30-1:00 Challenge the pros in live ball play (All Access Pass holders)

1:00-1:30 Wooden racquet mixer (All Access Pass holders)

1:30-3:00 Round robin for first round of players

3:00-4:30 Round Robin for second round of players

Special Appearances

Stan Smith: former world No. 1 in 1972 and 1973, and two time Grand Slam Singles Champion in 1971 and 1972.

Rick Leach: former world No. 1 in 1990, 5 time Grand Slam Champion in doubles, and 4 time Grand Slam Champion in mixed doubles.

Anders Jarryd: former world No. 1 in doubles in 1985 and in the same year became world No. 5 in singles, and eight time Grand Slam Doubles Champion.

Mikael Pernfors: former world No. 10 in singles in 1986 and won the NCAA tournament back to back in 1984 and 1985.

and many more!

Admission Information and Pricing

You have the choice as to how you would like to spend your time at this incredible event! A portion of the proceeds from this event will be given to support Special Olympics, which is near and dear to the hearts of the pros here at Spanish Wells! Please see the information below!

To register for this event or for any questions, please email and the pros will be happy to take care of you. Cash and check will be accepted the day of the event.

Spectator Pass: $45

This experience includes:

  • All day event access

  • Meet and greet with the pros, autographs, photos

  • Lunch provided by our fantastic SWC chefs

  • First 25 to register receive a copy of Stan’s book “Winning Doubles” that you will have the opportunity to have signed

Merchandise, such as signature event sweatshirts, will be available for purchase while supplies last!

All Access Pass for SW Members: $85


All Access Pass for Non SW Members: $125

This experience includes:

  • All day event access

  • Meet and greet with the pros, autographs, photos

  • A copy of Stan’s book “Winning Doubles” that you will have the opportunity to have signed

  • Lunch provided by our fantastic SWC chefs

  • Signature Stan Smith t-shirt

  • Participation in round robin and wooden racquet challenge

  • Challenge the pros in some live ball action

*SWC Members, please RSVP on our Clubster and email us indicating which pass you would like to purchase!

*only 42 All Access Passes are available, so register ASAP!